Welcome to Jason John Griffin White’s home page. This Web site reflects my interests, which include, but are not confined to, the following.
Social Justice
- Social justice and ecological sustainability, understood with a view to building appropriate norms and institutions for the long term.
- Global politics, democracy, and human rights.
- Progressive social and intellectual movements.
- Public law, including international human rights, constitutional interpretation, and legal philosophy.
- Relevant aspects of contemporary normative ethics, epistemology, and political philosophy.
The Technology and Disability Intersection
Justice for people with disabilities in the information and communication technology revolution, including
- Information and communication technology accessibility to people with disabilities.
- Creating inclusive cultures, norms and practices that can achieve a high degree of accessibility consistently over the long run.
- Technical accessibility standards, laws, and policies.
- Innovations in information and communication technology accessibility, including assistive hardware and software, the accessibility of operating systems, and applications.
- Braille/tactile and speech-based interaction.
- Algorithmic discrimination, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
- Applications of artificial intelligence to solving problems of accessibility and inclusion.
Free and Open-Source Software
- Free and open-source operating systems, including Linux.
- Free and open-source applications.
- Sustainability of the free and open-source software movement.
- Linux system administration.
Technology Policy
- Security, including cryptography policy.
- The Internet, social media, and democracy.
Means of Engagement
I hold the view that scholarship, advocacy and education are all invaluable contributors to positive social change in a democratic environment. My education and career choices reflect this understanding. I regard my work on technology and disability as part of a wider commitment to social justice. Thus, the two broad areas of interest apparent from the overview above - social justice, and technology, are strongly interrelated.